Friday, November 24, 2017

Spiritual Health

Are You Spiritually Healthy?

Spiritual life begins when you start to listen to the Word of God, the real Word of the Father. That is when faith begins. Faith is like the womb in which the Word of God, which is the seed coming from God is implanted. The seed coming from God is not physical, it is spiritual, and so the incorruptible seeds, the Word of God that you hear from the Father now in the Kingdom Age, through the Appointed Son, are spiritual. These Words are coming out, and then you hear them, and then believe them, that is when faith begins. Romans 10:17 tells us about that, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”
When you listen to the Words of the Father, like many are listening to me each night, 24/7 on Sonshine Media Network International, that is when faith is born in you. The womb of faith begins to germinate the words that you have accepted which are the Words of the Father Almighty.
1 Peter 1:23 tells us that when you begin to absorb the Words of the Father, that will be the spiritual seed that will be deposited into the womb of your faith, and then germinate the spiritual seed that will later be born of you as your own spiritual life.
1 Peter 1:23; “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”
The corruptible and the incorruptible seeds
The corruptible seed is the seed coming from our physical parents, that when deposited into the womb of our mother – upon the union of the egg and the sperm, that is when life begins. Spiritually, we are not born of corruptible seed, but with the incorruptible, which is the Word of God. The Word of God comes into us, germinates and then a spiritual life is born and sustained.
And then I have already mentioned so many times about how my old life in the spirit as the Father’s firstborn in His Kingdom Nation began.
I heard a Word from Him which says, “I will use you.” So I believed that, but I had many doubts and questions in my mind. I had to be conceived for almost a year in the womb of faith. My faith began to grow everyday, as those questions had been taken out or erased by revelations of the Father Almighty in Kitbog.
Difference between physical and spiritual life
As the physical life is born or is now formed within the womb of a physical mother, that physical life begins to grow without the mother noticing it.
Day by day, the cells multiply, beginning with one cell, which later becomes two. Later on they become three, four, eight, sixteen, — they multiply like that, until billions of cells are formed within you and this composes your physical life; from the color of your hair, eyes, skin; your facial features and bones, which constitute your genetic make-up, and that is how a physical life is born.
Now, in the case of a spiritual life that is born, I am using myself as an example.
Those questions began to be erased in my mind. My faith grew stronger and stronger. As it grew, it was like a fetus inside a mother’s womb that is growing stronger by the day. It is being formed into a real human being. Mine was being formed into a real spiritual life. After all of those questions were erased, a spiritual life was born. I had, in my own freedom of choice, decided to follow the Will of the Father although I was an infant. I made a decision to follow Him. So it began with the words, “I will use you.”
The Appointed Son, the Father’s audible voice
All of us in the Kingdom Nation, one way or another, have been called, and we have heard the voice of the Father through His Appointed Son.
The Father’s Words are freely given out abundantly through the Appointed Son. And these are being scattered all over the world and those who hear would accept them by faith and then a spiritual life begins its process, being formed in you and then when you decide to follow Him, lo and behold, you are here. You are with me. I don’t look at you as a physical life. I look at you as a spiritual life. So, when you are born spiritually, you don’t look at me physically. You look at me spiritually.
Sad to say, some of those who have followed me in this ministry have not learned about these things that I am saying; that’s why they failed to grow up spiritually. What I am trying to say is, in the process probably, they were infants and then, they died. They remained physical, and there was no more spiritual life in them. That’s why when they look at me, they thought they knew me, but they didn’t really know me.
Pastor Apollo Quiboloy
How to measure your spiritual life
Spiritual life is measured. How a physical life is produced is one thing, and how it is maintained is another thing. A physical life is born, but you measure the stature of the physical life by its growth. So it goes from one stage to another until you become a full-fledged human being with a complete understanding; with a complete well-being and a complete sense of who you are. This is also the same in the spiritual sense.
When you are born in the spirit, then that’s one thing. You accept the Word; you are baptized; your questions have all been erased but it is also one thing to grow in the spirit. That is when you are measured in your spiritual life. When the spiritual life grows in maturity and is now out in the open, you are no longer in your Kitbog.
When you are in your Kitbog, you are hidden. When you are in your Tamayong, you grow. Nobody knows how you grow. Your parents and those around you only see the changes in your physical features. That is how they know that you are growing as an adult. In the spiritual sense, it is the same. If the people are physical, they only see your physicality. But now in the Kingdom Nation, we are talking about spirituality. So how do you measure your life if it’s growing spiritually; if it’s becoming mature and if it is being transformed into the image of the Father who created you through His Appointed Son?.
I John 1:13 says, “Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the fl esh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
The Father looks at us spiritually
This is talking about our spiritual life. You are not here as a physical human being. The Father looks at you in the spiritual world where we belong in the Father’s Kingdom Nation. Remember, our Father is a Spirit: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth,” John 4:24.
How can you worship in Spirit and in truth when you don’t have the full knowledge of who He is, even though you are already born in the spirit? That is how our study went into the study of Sonship – how a Son is being made. You begin with circumcision. Next is your bar-mitz vah. And then your huiothesia; that is your real manhood. That is where you learn everything there is to know about your real father and what he does. That is being transferred to you. That is how you are measured.
It’s the same thing in the spiritual realm. We are being measured by how we grow spiritually. All of us here are spiritual. The Father looks at us as spirits.
Dangers of spiritual stagnation
There are many people of God who look at me and they know that I am the Appointed Son of God. They know the story of how I came into this ministry today. They know how the Father dealt with me. They know how I’ve grown; but they don’t really know me because they haven’t really grown up in the spiritual sense of the word, of the knowledge of the stature in which they have to know. For them to know that, when they come into that knowledge and into that light, then they become exactly like me and become a real son or daughter of the Father Almighty.
All are in that process. But you know, you can stagnate in the process. You can just sit down on the side and decide not to grow.
Signs of spiritual growth
Spiritual stagnation eventually leads to Spiritual death, while spiritual growth indicates life. One of the signs that you are growing physically is you will look like either your father or your mother. There’s the evidence, your physical life.
What is the evidence that you have a spiritual life? You are here; you believe in the message. You have repented. You have discarded the serpent seed and you have promised to obey Him and His Will in your life. But that is not all, you have to grow up. What are the vital signs that you are spiritually alive?
Now that we are born in the spirit, we are like a tree. A tree that is planted doesn’t bear fruit right away. It grows. You don’t require fruits of a tree when it is just planted. You wait for it to grow. One example is a fruit tree. When it grows, it bears fruit and then you can determine what kind of a tree it is.
The spiritual life is the same. What are the vital signs of the spiritual life that is born within you?
Galatians 5:22, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith…”
The fruits of the Spirit which indicate spiritual life are love, peace, joy, longsuffering, joy, faith, meekness, temperance. So when one is born in the spirit, these are the fruits or the vital signs that you see in him or her.

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