Friday, November 24, 2017

Completion of the Fathers Work of Salvation

Completion of the Father’s Work of Salvation

As Moses brought the people from Egypt to their Canaan, we have also been brought through 20 years of journey in the spiritual wilderness, from the Egypt of sin to the Canaan where we can be free to worship Him. We thank the Holy Father because it took Him 20 years to complete His salvation works in us. Romans 9:24-33 tells us: “Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As He hath saith also in Osee, I will call them my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not My people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.
“And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabbath had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrah. What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith.
“But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone; As it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense: and whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.”
As the Father had promised in Romans 1:17 when He said that the “righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith,” all that has been hidden from the world has been revealed to us.
The Father was guiding us when He called me for this mission and ministry. I had no knowledge whatsoever of the Kingdom ministry. I had no knowledge of the mystery that was to be uncovered. But through our walking with the Father in the wilderness of the world for 20 years, slowly but surely, the Holy Father revealed everything to us. Because this is exactly what He wants to do. He said that the covenants of God are revealed to them that fear Him. The secrets of God are revealed to them that fear Him. He revealed His plan of salvation to Noah when He said, “I will give man 120 years.” One hundred twenty years are the days of man. After 120 years, it was the Day of the Lord.
Judgment comes upon Sodom and Gomorrah
God revealed His plan to Abraham when He saw the two wicked cities, Sodom and Gomorrah. He manifested Himself to Abraham as two angels. They visited Abraham and He revealed His plan of destroying these two cities. He sent the two angels to verify if the unrighteousness and sin of those two cities were true. If so, the judgment would fall upon them.
God made a way of escape for Abraham as He made a way of escape for Noah and His family and all of the animals that were to be preserved when the judgment would come. The angels returned with the report that the two cities really deserved the Father’s judgment. So Abraham bargained with God. He asked God if He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were still 50 righteous people living in those cities.
God said, “For the sake of the 50 righteous I will not destroy those two cities.” But Abraham knew that there were no 50 righteous men there so he bargained again for forty. God said, “For the sake of the forty, I will not destroy those two cities.” Abraham kept bargaining, until he came to ten.
“For the sake of the 10 righteous, I will not destroy those two cities,” God said, but He knew there were no 10. So He said, “I will provide a way for those relatives of yours.” He gave instructions to the angels to take them from those two cities before dawn. They were pointed to a physical place, Mt. Zoar. Do not delay and do not look back. That was the instruction.
So the angels took them and they proceeded to Mt. Zoar, a nearby mountain. However, Mrs. Lot was tempted to look back and she became a pillar of salt. She was destroyed and you could hear the crackling sound of fire and brimstone pouring upon those two cities as they were destroyed. (Genesis 19:24) Now they are buried under the Dead Sea. That was during the days of man. Sodom and Gomorrah did not know that they had one day left. All of the days before that, were the days of man. The next day would be the Lord’s Day.
Prelude to the Day of the Lord
On April 13, 2005, the Father told me, this is the Lord’s Day. But before it came to that, He had to complete His salvation works. He called me from the denomination and sent me to one mountain in Malalag, Cogon, South Cotabato in Mindanao, called Mt. Kitbog. There, He revealed Himself to me for one year to convince me that He was the one calling me.
Why did it take Him one year? Because He had to erase the denominational mentality and the religious and Christian mentality that was implanted and embedded in my mind. He chose me, put me in that one mountain, isolated me and told me “I am the one calling you.” I could not believe that. I was a Christian with a typical Christian mentality, who always looked at the Jewish setting as our standard and example. I did not believe that the Father wanted what happened in the Jewish setting to happen in the Gentile setting.
The Father had told me in an audible voice, “I will use you.” Why would You use me when You are already using me? I asked. He destroyed my comfortable nest in the denomination and I found myself in this mountain with the natives. The Father talked to me. I saw miracles that I had not seen before. One miracle would keep my attention for two days. After two days, my old mentality would come back. And then the Father would show me another to attract my attention until my attention span would get longer and longer. After a year, I found that it was not Satan calling me or deceiving me.
I was like Moses, whose attention was held when he saw a burning bush and he said, “Who are you Lord?” And then the Lord said, “Before you can approach me, take off your shoes because the ground you are standing on is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5) So I came to realize that I was not crazy. When I realized that it was Him calling me, all the audible voices, the miracles and the heavenly perfume that I used to smell, all stopped.
Now the ball was in my hands. After weighing everything in the light of eternity, I told Him, I will follow You no matter what. I knew that when I would follow Him, I would be persecuted. I would be broken. Friendships would be broken. Friends would be turned into enemies. I said, “Father, help me. Give me strength because I have decided to follow You.” I followed Him. He brought me to another mountain and that is our Covenant Mountain and Prayer Center today. That was my Tamayong.
He let me learn how to walk by faith. “My son to walk by faith, you don’t have to understand everything. As long as you know I am the one leading, I am the one guiding, just follow! Everything I do cannot be understood by the natural mind. They are not all designed to be understood by the finite natural mind because I will teach you how to walk. When you don’t understand, don’t. Just believe.”
Every vestige of my denominational and religious mentality was erased. This was what the Jewish people did not understand when the Almighty Father first came in the Jewish setting. The Jewish people did not understand that Jesus Christ came to phase out their Jewish mentality, which was the Jewish system of worship, where God will dwell.
The tabernacle was divided into two, the Holy of the Holiest and the Holy Place. You can approach God in the Holy Place. But you cannot enter the Holy of the Holiest because that is the dwelling place of God. Only the high priests can go there once a year.
There is no light there. There are no windows and no doors but the Holy of the Holiest was lighted. That was God’s Shekinah glory. That was where He dwelt. That was the Jewish heaven. The Jewish earth were the Jews themselves.
During their journey in the wilderness, their worship was very revolutionary because they were given a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to guide them. When these would stop in a certain place, all of the three million would stop and encamp there. Sometimes they stayed there for three years and this guide would not move. But by the time these moved they would have made friends, had gardens, and built beautiful houses. But they had to move with those guides. Those were their guides in the wilderness. They reached Canaan, but God saw the hearts of the unbelieving. He said, you will not enter into My Promised Land. Only those who were 20 years and below were able to enter the Promised Land. Those above 20 years all died in the wilderness.
The Jewish Temple (A Shadow of Things to Come)
If you read the history of how Almighty Father dealt with the Israelites, you see that He dealt with them until the time of the kings: King David and King Solomon. Their burning desire was Father’s plan of building a house for Him. Solomon was designated to build it. God told him in a dream, “Now, you are going to be my son. I am going to be your Father. Ask of me what you will and I will give it to you.” He said to God, “Give me wisdom and understanding. I’m just a child. I do not know how to lead your people.”
The Father was pleased with his request and it was granted to him; but some things were added that he did not ask for: riches and wealth, long life and the fame, honor and prestige. So he built the house of God, which was so magnificent, so beautiful because the measurement of it came from God. This was their Canaan, their Promised Land.
Yet as beautiful and as magnificent as it was, it was not yet the completion of Father’s salvation works. The Almighty Father does not want to dwell in temples made with man’s hands. He wants to dwell in the real temple.
The Implantation of the Serpent Seed
The Father scooped dust from the earth, and formed man. And the Bible says “God breathed the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils”. All of a sudden he came alive. The Bible says that man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)
The life that you have inside is the soul that came from God. Before the soul came in, you had a body. But it was not yet complete. He wanted to put His spirit within that body.
The body tells you about your connection to the soil, to the earth because that is where you came from. The soul, the life within you tells you who you are. Why is man incomplete without God’s spirit? Because that spirit will tell you about your relationship with Him. Suddenly you will realize, “Wow! Father, You are my Father. I am Your son.” You came from Him. That’s why you will respect Him. That’s why you will serve Him. That’s why you are connected to Him. That’s why you have a relationship with Him! That’s why you will obey His will.
But before God could put the spirit within you, another spirit came and disrupted God’s plan. His name is Lucifer, a spirit who fell from heaven. Instead of God implanting His seed, His spirit, within man – which is the completion of the creation of man – it was the devil who implanted his serpent seed in man. Did God say you will not eat of the fruit of the tree? Yes! We will die if we eat of the fruit. But the serpent said, “No, surely you won’t die but you will become gods like Him.”
Satan taught the woman to disobey God’s will. This is the definition of sin – disobedience to the Father’s will. So when Adam and Eve accepted the devil’s doctrine to disobey, the serpent seed was implanted in their soul.
The Almighty Father has also seeds. These are His words. That is why He said, “We are not born of corruptible seed but of the incorruptible, by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever.” (1 Peter 1:23)
The Father’s commandment, “Do not eat,” was already the beginning of the implantation of God’s seed in man. But the devil dislodged it. He aborted God’s seed within the soul of Adam and Eve by saying, “No, you will not really die. You will become gods like Him.” He aborted God’s seed in us, God’s spirit, and planted his own seed in us – his spirit of disobedience. That was when sin began.
Satan implanted his seed within us through our first parents. When they propagated physically, everyone that is born of the flesh would have the spiritual life of Lucifer. They would have the spiritual life of disobedience to the will of the Father. We are all sinners. We have inherited that and we cannot do anything about it. It is a spiritual problem within us. It is embedded in our soul. Nobody can solve that. Not religion, not denomination! It is only the Father that can solve that for us.
Everyone that is born is under the rulership of Satan. Instead of Adam sitting on the throne as the king of God’s creation, it is Satan. He is the king. Why? The kingship of Adam was mortgaged to him by his deception of man. Man gave all the title deeds to the devil so that is why everyone born in the flesh automatically becomes a child of the devil. Religion cannot solve it. That is why even if you have religion, you are still the child of the devil and you still have the serpent seed.
The Father’s Salvation Work Begins
And so the salvation work of the Father began. This was to bring back man to His original plan, which is that His own spirit would be implanted in man. But how will that happen when this disobedient spirit is already embedded within us? He came into our house without paying the rent and usurped the authority and right of ownership. Who will evict him? God had a plan, because He was the only one who could do that.
He had a chosen people, the Jews, in whom He would begin the work of salvation. He sent Jesus Christ to them. See, if you are Jewish, you would believe that that was the completion of salvation. You have to subscribe to the Jewish type of worship to get to heaven. Wherever you are, you get your compass and look towards the direction of Jerusalem. Because that is where God is. That is the dwelling place of God. That was the Jewish mentality.
The Jews did not know that Jesus Christ was going to phase out their worship and introduce a new one, which was the completion of God saving man. They may have been Jewish, been given the covenants, and were given the measurement on how to worship God, but the salvation works were not completed, because all that had nothing to do with the spirit of man. These had nothing to do with the dislodgement of Satan as king of our lives because of that serpent seed that is embedded within us. Religion cannot do that, though it may have a temple. This temple with the Shekinah Glory of God.

1 comment:

  1. Now the ball was in my hands. After weighing everything in the light of eternity, I told Him, I will follow You no matter what. I knew that when I would follow Him, I would be persecuted. I would be broken. Friendships would be broken. Friends would be turned into enemies. I said, “Father, help me. Give me strength because I have decided to follow You.” I followed Him. He brought me to another mountain and that is our Covenant Mountain and Prayer Center today. That was my Tamayong.
