The Day of the Lord; April 13, 2005
Last April 13, I received a revelation from the Father. This happened while I was in Los Angeles, California. Remember that last year, I also received a revelation in L.A. that started on April 9, and every night after that, on the 10th, 11th, until the 12th; and now, a year later, on April 13.
The revelations I received in April last year were about delivering to the Kingdom riches and wealth, power to even raise the dead, and prestige, honor and fame. In the revelation that I received on April 13, the Father told me, “This is the Day of the Lord.” No explanation was given to me whatsoever what that meant. That was all that the Father said.
Many say that the Day of the Lord is Saturday. Others say that the Day of the Lord is Sunday. But these are just shallow meanings of what the Day of the Lord is. As the conduit of the Father here on this earth, the Appointed Son of God today, I understand what the Father meant when I heard His audible voice on April 13 telling me this.
My receiving this revelation on April 13 this year is not a coincidence. It is a continuation of those revelations that I received in April last year. I do not know what it is about the day 13. It was on September 13 that the Father told me that my public ministry was over. Now, I received this on April 13.
As the Father has let me understand, the Day of the Lord is very important and significant for the Kingdom people and also for the whole world because whatever I say will be known all over the world. It will be picked up and published either negatively or positively because it will be a global announcement.
We may get negative publicity because the detractors of this ministry are not asleep. They are very interested in the ministry of the Kingdom and of the Son as they were very interested in the ministry of the Son of God in the Jewish setting. In those days, Jesus’ detractors did not sleep at all until they succeeded in crucifying Him. They thought that His death on the cross was the end of Him. They did not know that even in death, the Son of God is King.
What is the Day of the Lord?
The Day of the Lord means that the days of man are over. What are the days of man? The days of man are the days when man freely used his own will and disregarded the will of the Father. Ever since man fell into sin by the disobedience of Adam and Eve, he was given grace to come back to the Father. He was given levels of revelation to guide him on His way. The Father gave man the blade faith (Catholicism), the stalk faith (Protestantism), the tassel faith (Pentecostal Trinitarianism), the corncob faith (Pentecostal Oneness); and the last ministry, the Kingdom ministry (The Kingdom of Jesus Christ The Name Above Every Name). The Father gave man the chance to come back to Him by his own initiative, but man wasted the time, until April 13 came and it was revealed to me that the Day of the Lord had come.
The Day of the Lord means that the days of man are over. What are the days of man? The days of man are the days when man freely used his own will and disregarded the will of the Father. Ever since man fell into sin by the disobedience of Adam and Eve, he was given grace to come back to the Father. He was given levels of revelation to guide him on His way. The Father gave man the blade faith (Catholicism), the stalk faith (Protestantism), the tassel faith (Pentecostal Trinitarianism), the corncob faith (Pentecostal Oneness); and the last ministry, the Kingdom ministry (The Kingdom of Jesus Christ The Name Above Every Name). The Father gave man the chance to come back to Him by his own initiative, but man wasted the time, until April 13 came and it was revealed to me that the Day of the Lord had come.
The Father did not have to elaborate to me what this meant because when the Father speaks to me, He speaks to me very uniquely. Sometimes all it would take is a wink of His eye and I would understand. So when He said, ‘This is the Day of the Lord’, I knew exactly from His spirit within me what He meant. From the spirit of the deep the Father sent this message to me and I went to the spirit of the deep, where I am, to understand exactly the message He was trying to convey to me.
The days of man are over. This means that man can no longer continue doing evil. The days of man were the days of grace. During the days of grace, what did the people do to those who preach about righteousness, repentance and obedience like I do, and like the Son of God in the Jewish setting did? Instead of accepting His message, they crucified Him although He came harmless as a dove. They crucified Him because those were the days of man.
I came in the Gentile Setting bearing the same message that my Father brought. Short of physically crucifying me because they could not do that anymore, they crucify me in the newspapers, on the radio, on TV, and on the Internet and on our text messaging system. But the days of man are over. This is the Day of the Lord!
What does the Father mean exactly when He says ‘This is the Day of the Lord’? The Day of the Lord means that because He is now sitting on the throne, man will give an accounting in these last days for whatever he does against the will of the Father.
The days of grace have ended. During the days of grace, when you speak against the Father, He will let you alone and give you a chance to repent, but in Day of the Lord, if you speak against the Father, you may not live to see the light of day. You will be judged immediately because this is the Day of the Lord!
The Father is hastening the message that comes from Him through His Son through many, many means to tell the people to come because the door of the Ark is about to close. The days of grace are about over. What this means exactly is that the Day of the Lord is really a day of judgment.
This is very important! I want you to listen to me! In the days of grace, when you malign the truth, it may take ten years before you are judged for it, before your leg is cut off for it. The Father will give you ten years to repent. Now in the Day of the Lord, when you malign the truth, you may find your leg cut off the next day, or it may be cut off right there and then.
The Father has made me understand the enormity and the seriousness of what the Day of the Lord is. He has shown me that the Day of the Lord really is the Day of Judgment—personally, collectively, nationally, and globally. Man, people, nations, groups, religions, all will be judged according to their reaction to the preaching of the Word of God through the Son, especially when I preach about repentance. This is the serious business of the Father in the last days. Do not continue with your foolishness because this is the Day of the Lord!
The Revelations of the Father’s Righteousness
People of the world listen to me! The Day of the Lord began on April 13. He has appointed this day to judge the world and He cannot judge the world if there is no standard. The standard is His righteousness and the righteousness of the Father only comes when people have surrendered themselves to that standard of righteousness.
People of the world listen to me! The Day of the Lord began on April 13. He has appointed this day to judge the world and He cannot judge the world if there is no standard. The standard is His righteousness and the righteousness of the Father only comes when people have surrendered themselves to that standard of righteousness.
The standard of the Father is a far cry from the standard of denomination and religion because the standard of the Father in righteousness remains established and remains the same. His truth will prevail. His standard of righteousness in coming to Him with which He will judge the world is still the standard of repentance. Have you repented? Have you surrendered? You may think that you have already repented and surrendered because you have your own standard in Christian religion and denomination.
But let me tell you the truth according to the revelation that I heard from the Father. If you believe that you have already reached the standard of the Father because you say that you are already a Christian, then you should not be in your denomination anymore. You should have gotten out already. You should already be in the Kingdom because when you follow the righteousness of the Father, He will teach you and He will put you in the standard of His Kingdom.
Do not equate the Kingdom of God to just any religion or denomination because it is not any of that! I have denominated your Christian denomination and religion and have explained them painstakingly to you with whiteboard illustrations. And we have learned about the blade, the stalk, the tassel and the corncob ministries. Where do you belong in this progressive revelation of the life of the seed? And did you stay in that level of revelation? If you stayed in your denomination even when another revelation was already given, you will be left behind because the standard of righteousness will not stay there. It will progress and leave you without your knowing it.
You must go with the progression of the revelation until you reach the summit of revelations. I tell you that the life that was first planted did not stay in the blade. It did not stay in the stalk. It did not stay in the tassel. It did not stay in the corncob. It went back to being the seed, the depository of the life of the first solitary seed that was planted on the ground. The seed sprouted and returned as a seed, now not one but many. (John 12:24)
When you reach the summit of revelations, you will find that the life of the seed has returned to the seed and that life is going to mature.
When the seed has matured then life is obviously not found It is no longer in the blade because it has already dried up. Nor is it in the stalk, or the tassel, and not in the corncob either. You will notice that the whole plant has dried up because life has been deposited in the seed. That is when the harvest will come.
I am here for the harvest. I am here for the seed. That is why I can afford to take the blade for granted. I can afford to take the stalk for granted; I can afford to take the tassel for granted; I can afford to take the corncob for granted. Not because I am disrespectful to them but because they are not needed anymore. They have outlived their use. There is no need for any of them in the harvest. In fact I will burn them all. So get out of those denominations now because they will all be burned down.
Look at these denominations! They are sputtering in their doctrines! We have already received all the revelations and understood all things. That is why they have all become irrelevant. Yet they continue to push their way. I tell you, do not go with them anymore!
Religion and denominations say, “Receive Jesus as your Personal Savior and that is enough!” If I do that, if I receive Jesus Christ because of the message that you preached to me, whom will I see in your religion? Will I see Christ or will I see you? Since you are making me receive Jesus Christ, then you must know where He is?
Where is He? Since you cannot claim that you are the Son, then where is the Son? You tell people, “Come to me! Come to me!” but you cannot point to me where He is! You are really a confused lot! If you call the people to come to your denomination, then that means that Jesus Christ is there with you! But when we go to your churches, we see no one there but chickens roosting on the rafters!
Those days are over! The days of man are over! The days of opaque revelations are over! The Father has revealed Himself so clearly in this ministry. When I say He has appointed me to be His Son, that means that He is here living inside of me. The words I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the Father that liveth in me. Therefore, as the Appointed Son, I can say, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am life, no one goes to the Father but by me.” In this ministry it is very clear where the Son is! I will point to myself as the Son! The Son is here!
The Day of the Lord is a day of judgment when all lies, all false doctrines, all false Christs will be judged. The false anointed ones who say that they have been sent will be judged. Do not say that you have been sent when you have not because you will be exposed in these last days through your message. The only message that the world should listen to is the message of the Appointed Son that says that all people should come back to the righteousness of God through repentance. Let us repent; let us surrender to the will of the Father!
The Standard of Righteousness
The things that are happening today are incredible, so listen well! He has come to judge the world. And judgment has begun. Judgment will happen all over the world—personally, collectively, and globally. If a nation maligns the Kingdom and the Son, that nation will be shaken by earthquake. Religion and denomination believe that the Father will sit on His throne and gather the nations to judge them. No! No! No! He will have a standard by which people will be judged. Whether they have sided with the standard or not will determine the judgment that they will receive. Whether they are goats or sheep will be determined by what they had done to the standard.
The things that are happening today are incredible, so listen well! He has come to judge the world. And judgment has begun. Judgment will happen all over the world—personally, collectively, and globally. If a nation maligns the Kingdom and the Son, that nation will be shaken by earthquake. Religion and denomination believe that the Father will sit on His throne and gather the nations to judge them. No! No! No! He will have a standard by which people will be judged. Whether they have sided with the standard or not will determine the judgment that they will receive. Whether they are goats or sheep will be determined by what they had done to the standard.
I am proclaiming to the whole world that I am the Father’s standard of judgment. I am the Father’s standard of righteousness! Not my religion, not my denomination, I am! The Father’s standard of righteousness, which is the Son in the Jewish setting, who is now the Father in the Gentile setting, has sent me as His Son in the Gentile setting. The standard remains the same. And so I am calling people to repent! To surrender to God! Come to Him, sinners, surrender to the will of the Father or you will perish. To surrender to the will of God was also the standard in the days of Noah. Noah was the standard bearer of God’s righteousness in his day. He was crying to the world to repent.
In the days of Lot, the Father did not have a standard of righteousness, so He just looked at the city and picked the most righteousness man from among all its inhabitants. This is called relative righteousness. It was not an absolute righteousness because absolute righteousness was not yet introduced to the world in those days.
Relative righteousness meant that when the Father judges a city, He would not use His standard. He will only look for the one who is the most righteous in the city. Such righteousness then would not be according to the Father’s standard but according to the way that the people lived.
Lot was the most righteousness among all of those inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, but his righteousness was not according to God’s righteousness. When you compare His righteousness to the righteousness of God, Lot is still filthy. But because the Father could not find anyone more righteous than Lot, He had to base His standard of righteousness and salvation according to the best of them all.
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